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Configure your periodic access certification campaigns with a set schedule, and never miss a review again.

No matter how effective preventative control of user access is, inappropriate access in key applications will happen. Fastpath helps you build a robust continuous monitoring program that detects issues quickly, reducing exposure time and eliminating issues. Certification campaigns can be set up with different targets and schedules to give you the most coverage possible.

Certifications - Automate Certification

Automate Certification

Manual certification is labor intensive and error prone. Automating certification ensures 100% completion of required reviews with little intervention.

Certifications - Robust Workflow

Robust Workflow

Quality certification require reviewers with knowledge and authority to determine if access is appropriate. Streamline delivery of certification to these users, monitor completion, and evidence the review via standard platform reporting.

Certifications - Flexible Setups

Flexible Setups

Not every certification is a user access review. Analyze application role entitlement composition and assess enterprise role builds, all independently or all at once.

Certifications - Operations and Compliance

Operations and Compliance

Perform full reviews periodically to comply with auditor expectations, and run rolling incremental reviews in between to detect issues early before they are subject to formal review

Automating Your Control Environment: Get a Clear View of Access Risk Across Multiple Systems Whitepaper

Automating Your Control Environment: Get a Clear View of Access Risk Across Multiple Systems

This paper focuses on the importance of having the ability to view “the big picture” of interconnected risk and controls across all the company’s business systems and environments, and shares the advantages of automated controls.

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7 Audit Scoping And Project Management Best Practices Whitepaper

7 Audit Scoping And Project Management Best Practices

This eBook shares 7 best practices for audit scoping and project management, two key components to an effective overall audit and compliance strategy.

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The Evolution of Access Certification - Optional No More Webinar

The Evolution of Access Certification - Optional No More

Join Fastpath's Frank Vukovits as he discusses the past, current, and potential future state of user and role access certifications. What started as occasional, even optional, user and role reviews, has now morphed into consistent controls, looking more frequently and deeper into the ‘who’ and ‘how’ around access to business applications. The importance of certifications, and how companies need a tool that addresses them across multiple business applications, will also be covered.

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